As games of chance can lead to addiction, this is a sensitive topic and one where a responsible approach is particularly important. If the desire for a frequent thrill pushes the fun of the game and the prospect of a win into the background, the risk of addiction increases. Playsponsible strives to combat this, with the goal of preventing problem gambling behaviour and its consequences (gambling addiction).

Five-point preventive programme

Player protection is a crucially important topic for us and we consciously exceed the standards set by law. By applying clear rules and taking preventive measures, we are often able to stop problem gambling behaviour early on.

To reach this goal, the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group has developed an in-house five-point programme for responsible gaming. This is based on scientific findings and studies on problem gambling behaviour.

1. Player protection

To ensure gambling remains fun, we set great store by recognising problem gambling early on.

We ensure that the age limits for engaging in games of chance are strictly adhered to and actively inform our players and guests of this. We take player protection into account when developing new games.

Prior to launching new games on the market, we assess their impact on vulnerable groups. We also have specially trained staff who can offer the best possible support if need be.

Multi-level gambling restrictions or player suspensions are provided for in all areas should the preceding player protection measures fail.

2. Regular and lasting training

All new employees must attend basic training on responsible gaming. Managers and customer-facing staff take part in specially designed training sessions and workshops each year, led by experts from Austria and abroad.

In accordance with legal requirements, we have specially trained staff who attend an annual training and further development programme and primarily look after guests demonstrating conspicuous gambling behaviour.

New retail partners are only approved after they have successfully completed Austrian Lotteries' responsible gaming training. In addition, all retail partners are given training on player protection at least once a year by our field sales staff.

Once a year, the Playsponsible Academy presents the latest scientific findings on prevention and gambling addiction by international, recognised experts in psychiatry, psychology and the social sciences.

3. Responsible advertising

We want to use our advertising to inform guests about our products and services without stimulating a need to play to excess. To this end, we have compiled a voluntary 'Code of Conduct for Responsible Advertising', which ensures our advertising and sales activities comply with strict guidelines and, in particular, are not directed at people prone to problem gambling behaviour.

4. Promotion of research and cooperation with counselling centres and treatment facilities

We commission renowned institutions and research facilities to undertake scientific studies on issues relating to responsible gaming.

The studies published and the ongoing exchange of knowledge and experience within an international network of experts represent the foundation of effective measures within our company for preventing problem gambling behaviour. 

In addition, we have worked in close collaboration with key counselling centres and treatment facilities for many years.

5. Quality assurance for content and processes

Due to the diversity of our range, we have introduced autonomous quality management processes for proactive consumer protection at each of our Group companies. Independent institutions audit these processes and measures regularly and certify them according to international guidelines.